Do you want to make a difference?
Do you want to save money and the planet at the same time? Do you want to set your business apart from your competitors? Do you want to become net zero? Then we're here to help!

1. Measure
Calculate your current carbon footprint and use it to drive efficiencies throughout your organisation or event. You’ll need to think about not only your direct emissions but the embedded emissions in your supply chain. Let Low Carbon Consulting assist you to identify and measure your sources of emissions.

2. Reduce
Once you know your footprint, you’ll need to develop a plan to reduce your carbon emissions and costs – saving the planet and money – a win-win! Low Carbon Consulting can work with you to develop a focussed carbon reduction plan.

3. Offset
Once you’ve reduced your carbon emissions as much as possible, you’ll need to offset any remaining emissions to get to net zero. Low Carbon Consulting can help you find genuine, high quality offsets that align with your brand and ethics.
Sustainability and Net Zero
Carbon neutral organisations
Carbon neutral events

I’m Lynn Delgado, the director of Low Carbon Consulting.
I set up Low Carbon Consulting to support organisations and businesses who want to become part of the global race to net zero emissions. I am a qualified carbon manager and a registered consultant for the Australian Government’s Climate Active carbon neutral program.
Before setting up LCC, I worked for many years in sustainability and carbon management in the public sector and as an engineering consultant.
I am excited and determined to address head on the climate change challenges that we face and to help others who want to take meaningful action. If you want to make a real difference, whilst also reducing your business costs, differentiating your brand and becoming a leader, then now is the time to get on board.
Grab the huge opportunities the low carbon future offers and let’s do this!
Email Lynn for a free consultation

Nicholas Pockl-Deen – Head of Digital Forensics and Incident Response, Gridware Cybersecurity Pty Ltd -

Kirsty Fikkers - Corporate and Sustainability Planner, Coffs Harbour City Council